Can we implement something to make it so the teams are even when there are an even number of players. Something like not being able to choose the team that you are added to. It is getting sad when players stack a team to no end. I have been alone due to teammates leaving and see a new player join, only to watch them choose the other team. Plenty of times I've joined a game where one team has 5 and the other team has 0-2 players waiting for the game to start; who is going to want to join that game?!
How does that even happen, aren't we L3 after the tutorial finishes? I would really like to know how that happens because maybe I wouldn't have to auto level shadow dance if it's possible to get out of the tut and still be L2.
There is another issue I have which is team killing, I have no idea how it happens (traps maybe?!) but I know multiple times I've seen a red player kill another red and blue v blue.
Can we do something about the speed boost being in the same area that the opponent spawns; it's super annoying knowing that I was just going for the upgrade but get accused of being a spawn killer in the meantime. Too bad the opposite is that you leave the player alone to avoid the "unjust" kill accusation and they attack you in the back as you're trying to take the high road. I have never played pvp, but now I understand all of those rage threads I used to read so frequently.
Edit: After playing the CTF for a bit, I realize that the fact that there are no level brackets may be a cause of the team stacking or the sudden drop in player on one side of the fence. I personally have been on a team with all 4 members under L8, which made for a pretty good slaughter. I found out at the end of the game that one of their members was 18 along with two other 16s, so if there isn't a way to sort the players based on level, at least make it visible so we can know the kind of whoppin that we are about to receive.