Quote Originally Posted by Yvonnel View Post
This is hard for me. I am not good with saying goodbye. But it is time for Yvonnel to retire. I wanted to post here first because AEO is my family. I took great pride in the growth that we experienced when many thought that AEO was done. This is the group of players that I developed a close relationship with and worked hard to support and help teach. Many of you were recipients of my generosity and all I ever told you was to use it and don't worry about it.

I simply cannot get back into PL. The forums have become a place for rep seeking self absorbed players. I miss the "Good Ole Days". I yearn for those times, but with the extensive change in the very gameplay that I enjoyed I realize that those days are gone and are only cherished memories that I have to hold dear. I miss the hard task of specific level farming where you had to be really good or get a really good group of players to farm at the appropriate level. All of the gold farming places that we had. Kill farming, yep I said it. I was one who liked to make a toon and see how many kills I could get before I died (it really is not as easy as people thought).

And I miss those friends that brought me into the fold and taught me the skills that made me a pretty good Pure Int Mage. Here I am talking about the real LEGENDS of Pocket Legends. Physiologic, Royce, Xymian the list goes on. Then I met Ellyidol and CrimsonTider arguably 2 of the greatest bears to grace the game. All of these friends have moved on simply because the changes that have happened to the game that we cherished.

I will not bad mouth STS. They did an absolute phenomenal job with a ground-breaking idea. I will always cherish the fond memories that I have. However, recent events and changes have made me realize that I fall into the category of those I mentioned above. The time has come for me to move on.

And finally to Necroreaper and Conradin. You two were my closet friends and advisers. It wasn't me that saved AEO it was you two! We were the very last three oldest AEO members and I enjoyed so much of the time we spent together. Now there is two. You two are more than capable of continuing on without me. Continue to do the things that you do and stay true to the type of people that you are.

My characters will stay where they are with all of the gears that I have collected over the years. I will not dump my gold or pinks on the PL market. All of them were farmed by spending hours of time.

To all of my old friends I say Goodbye! It has been wonderful knowing all of you.

I will keep my forum account active so that you can always PM me to catch up. If you want to know where I am shoot me a pm and I can give you the details.

And maybe, just maybe One Day, I'll See You in Alterra.................
Well, it was fun knowing you, while it lasted. It's sad to see you leave, but I understand and feel the same way with some things you pointed out. I would have loved to support you during the reincarnation of AEO, but I myself had taken a break and lost all hope in ever going back to PL. Even though we never got to hang out a lot, I feel really close to you and wish you the best. We will always miss you
