Quote Originally Posted by morfic View Post
This post is a clear indication that you do not know anything about the situation. I care plenty what they say..and if they every said/did anything wrong, I would have no problems talking to them. The issue here, is that no one did anything wrong and Blaque just blew things out of proportion. Granted, what we might consider to be "Wrong" is different than other people, but judging by your post, you have -0- clue about our guild. Our guild has been around long enough (and derped enough), that I don't believe any amount of brown-nosing or trolling could give us a better or worse reputation. It's pretty set in stone how it is.

(You also have no clue how much I enjoy posts like yours, so thanks. )

(And how often have you ever seen me say "idc kthxbai"?)
First get sense of humour, second learn to read posts to the very end. *yawn*