Hey, Athenum here on the updates. http://badcompanybase.guildportal.com 's bank now is free to everyone now. Like the guild? Help us! Donate $$ to buy platinum for guild members that need it at http://badcompanybase.guildportal.com .

Now for the news.

Bad Companions
Racosai, May 3, 12 5:51 AM. 0 Comments
You've seen Bad Company.
Now to take it to the next level!
Bad Company's new level requirement is
That's right. Bad Companions is Project 2 of Bad Company. The guild for newbies who want to join Bad Company! But upon reaching level 30, you have the choice to go to Bad Company or stay in Bad Companions.
Reaching 40, you have the choice to leave, go to Bad Company or to stay in Bad Companions.
Remember, Officers are not based on level. They are based on who deserves it most.
Some of you may be wondering why? Why are there level 1s, 2s, and 3s, (and more) in Bad Company? That is because they were in Bad Company before Bad Companions were made. They will not be kicked. They may leave if wanted. But they are not forced to stay. They have the freedom of choice.
Read the article Bad Companions in the general section for more information.