Quote Originally Posted by Darkfader View Post
If you playing game for winning you play it wrong. Games are made to have fun with little competition...
It's so much more fun to win all the time than lose all the time.

Yeah, crazy open exciting chess game are fun, until you loose 20 games in a row to a good positional player that forces you into a closed game.

Never the less, in any well made game, you're gonna lose a whole lot to a seasoned player before you start winning. A lot of people wait till they get geared and reach a high lvl before they start pvp. Then they are in for a rude awakening when they are pitted against someone with 10,000+ ctf and a couple thousand dm kills, that's running in a good team. I've seen 3 man teams wipe the floor against a 5 man.

In any case, when people start dropping out it makes me happy and fills my blood lust, and makes me want play harder and more ruthless. It's when I'm going against the good guys, that makes me slow down and play strategically.

Eh, I just don't believe in quitting. I think it's far worse than losing. You can lose gracefully, but you're always a chump if you quit. WTF pwning someone into quitting is the same as robbing someone's manhood...I definitely think the achievement title [Rapist] would be fitting for people that do it a lot.