(cntinue) ..i was cooking n while im waiting it dne , i playing games clled 'D.L' , n after sme time
i heard my fathers screaming .. 'argh ....'' !! i got shocked so bad , coz my father usualy not lke that .
then i take my besbol stick n run to get my father (i was thinking that mybe thief has got into our house LOL!)
i saw my father at kitchen with a 50000L water n he yelled at me '' come here u idiot''!! then he took away my besbol thing
from my hand n i was like ''noo000 ...' !! my father tried to hit me ,but he missed !! LOL .. (OMG , i probbly sent to hoSpital if
he got me LMAO) ... then with a quick respon , i run away out of my house n our neighbour keep their eyes open as
i running without wearing slippers in our neighbourhood .. lol..