1. smeone cming to my house .. (prbbly my aunt , idk)
' 'hello ??? is anybdy home??
me = ''noo .. thre's no bdy .. ''' .
they leave ...

2. a girl with flirty style whispering to the boy in the library
girl =cn i borrow ur pen ???''
boy= my penis in ur hand ..'' ops 'my pen is' ..

3. a father asking his 7years old chld ..
father = son , when u grow up what u do u wnt to be ??
son = i wnna be justin timberlake !!.
father= u cnt be justin tmberlake , unless i change ur name into
son = then i wnna be my self ..
father= o.0 ..

p.s (i know its not funny ,, just stop it ) ..