Quote Originally Posted by Flowman:645156
check this idea, it came to me right away:

Background: Jack the Ripper era city streets...jack the ripper themed setting. Foggy, narrow alley, but the although the alleyway get brighter as you move back further into the background, it also gets a litte clearer. Tall buildings on either side of the alley, but at the focal point near the end, the skyline in just barely visible. The left side wall extends all the way to the back of the sig. The right side wall stops a little before, allowing the skyline to continue to the right, as well as the street where the alley would intersect, showing that you can make a right hand turn here.

Foreground: Some form of crime...bloody dagger and an outstretched hand...a body...doesn't matter, just has to be a crime.

Main focal: Your white suited MJ Kirby, slightly ducking around that right turn, but not enough to hide the eyes, with the eyes darting towards the viewer with a menacing, yet vivid stare. The kind of stare that says "what're you going to do about it." Kirby would have a cape, though not part of the original outfit, the cape would be used to show movement, as the character is meant to be escaping around the corner.

If you can picture that in your head, then my work is done. If anyone (cough Redryder cough) with artistic ability in freehand drawing and pixel drawing would like to collab with me on this, feel free to sketch it out and we'll go from there.

PS - this is the kind of thinking I put in to every signature people
Hmm, interesting. Go for it bud