Depends on what your plans are bro.

Do you plan in farming a lot? Do you have enough free time to dedicate to farming? If you buy the sets, you'll have less gold to go towards new gear which will require for you to farm more than you may like. Are you one of those people that has to have the newest shiniest gear ASAP? Can you see yourself regretting that you bought the sets in the future?

Me personally, I would go with cheap gear, and consider buying a crafted set the day or day before Humania is released when they're lower. There's a lot of questions, and personal opinions I can add but I think you get the gist of it. If there's any doubt, wait it out (unintentional rhyme). Prices usually drop, but PL's economy is a lot less predictable than before, so no one can guarantee anything. Just remember, any fang items you buy now will become outdated fairly soon.