so... two AoAs??????¿¿¿¿¿¿?????Originally Posted by Swede:668411
My programming name is r3pwn.
If its based on western stuff then in pvp there should be 1v1 duels or somethin!!! and the maps for it are just straight roads so nobody can run away and tree hugg and cant just keep kiting forever( i would love this style of pvp )
Speaking of kiting, in pvp would the skills be good enough to nuke and kite and tank? I hope there is
Yeahhhhh how about just combine all games and make it they all meet each other through some kind of teleportation. ^_^ wow I should work for StS )))))))))))
AL: Jiig PL: Jig 80
Veni Vidi Vici
Worst thing I could be, is the same as everyone
I don't think they meant any sort of alphabetical progression - Blackstar -> Carvina might imply that but Forest Haven was first.
I wonder if at some point there will be a crossover game, a meeting point between characters from all of the games. Tough to balance that right but it would be really fun if they did it well.
Edit: Doh! I wasn't thinking of Alterra. Sheesh.
Edit 2: Might have helped if I'd read the whole thread before replying? Nah.
Last edited by n00b13st; 08-27-2012 at 03:46 PM.
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