Quote Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
Hey guys, Apollo here!

Soooo, just wanted to bring this quote to attention from our wonderful Samhayne! Sam, I thank thee for all that you do! It's truly amazing.

Does anybody get the meaning of this quote? You PvPers should especially understand.

DODGE = evading an attack completely.

Bears currently have 74-76 dodge. With the new stat increase, it should put them off at 80+ dodge with THE OUTDATED MT. FANG GEAR!

What does this mean for y'all PvPers? GL hitting that tank, even after roots.

Birds are also affected, just not as drastically, IMO.

Elves, with these new buffs in stats, the role of elves seemed to change from "The Support Class" to "The Everything Class".

Devs, I commend you for doing such a great job with Humania, but please take into consideration the possible consequences with skill raises. Dodge enhanced classes will be the ones effected the most, because their ability to completely avoid damage will increase.

Possible Consequences:

* You might see bears running around as gods in PvP.

* Bears have one skill to get in range, if you keep increasing dodge on birds, how are they ever expected to land that skill and get within range? It just contributes to the already unbalanced nature of PvP. Target A

* As defensive buffs like evade and taunt increase, the need for 4x elixirs decreases. Why? Survivability increases without elixirs, so more players won't need to buy them except for the purposes of leveling, which can be detrimental to STS's business

* Elves running around hitting 600+ in PvP with one spell: Drain

Just some food for thought,

Target A:
Bears don't need to get into range for birds instantly.
As you said, they have enough Dodge to withstand the damage until a re-beckon.
Besides, if we gave them insane hit to be able to actually frequently land a beckon correctly, it's a 100% win for a good stun-lock bear>.>

Also usually only Staff mages can land over 600+ right now.
It's because Wand Mage has more crit, but takes the lower end for the awesome one-hitters.

Moreover, they should keep the high stats in PvE and only nerf in PvP.
I like being able to completely nuke Mount Fang on my 3x Daily.