I'll agree that the $1.99 per 5 lvls can add up quickly. This makes me stay away from buying other not really needed extras like gold and emotes.

So far I have purchased a 3rd char for 99 cents slot and I played each class up to level 13. I just bought the $1.99 map pack today for the 10-15 levels. I plan to level each char to 18 before buying the next one. With real world jobs and other things taking up my time, this shield keep me going to a few more days if not a week. Then I plan to get the next one in line and do the same.

If I had only one char and spent $1.99 per map pack for just one char, I would feel it a bit pricey. However, playing all 3 classes not only expands the fun and your knowledge of the game but it helps spread out those payments for new map packs.

Also, true, you can buy a $4.99 rpg on the app store with tons of levels but I don't think the gameplay compares to PL. This is like having WoW for your iPhone/iPad/iPod.

Although, down the road, it would be nice if there was a free map pack. But I do understand that the company has to make back their financial investment in the game somehow.