Quote Originally Posted by flashbackflip View Post
Thanx for the guide

Tell us please what does our stats mean and how do they correspond

I.e. why we need attack, not just dmg? Is it cumulative with dmg or used otherwise?

Much appreciated
Yeah knowing what effects what would really help.
For instance i have 218 attack but i fail to kill someone with 700 hp, yet they kill me with 1 spell and few punches. That doesnt make much sense to me.

To admins, mods or simply people with exact knowledge:

So what does what?

Attack - didnt see that i do WAAAY more damage then those with 100 attack, attack speed maybe - nope. Please explain.
Defense - I know that i take damage fast, but maybe there's some more to it. How it is connected/negating to Damage and DPS? Please explain.
Health - that's the only self explanatory thing for me. Dunno if it has anything to do with your own HP regen.
Damage - i guess it the damage you do per hit, but how it connected to Attack? DPS? - Please explain.
DPS - what is this? damage per second, damage per spell, dots per square inch? - Please explain.

Cuz im lvl 20 and i dont see ANY benefit to have high attack or damage... people with 1100 hp 80 attack and 110 dps seem to do more damage then me...


Thanks for your attention