Thanks for the feedback guys.

As I have said in my first post, I have a guild and I CAN join guild runs. I personally prefer to join PUGs to know new people.
I can't? Well, too bad. I will find better times to do this.
I just find annoying to join a game to be booted not 1, not 2, but 4 times... consenquently (3 days in a row). And why? Because I don't have thrasher on me?
I have to be honest, I have used thrasher elixirs in the past but, as far as I remember I have never booted someone for not holding a thrasher elixir.
At least If I had a good thrasher group I have had the good courtesy to host a private map and rmk.
I think our "thrasher groups" can waste 1 sec more and host a pass-protected run. Or not? :P
Anyways I won't be taking this personally ever.

Of course there are also other reasons, why certain people (not only thrashers) have ruined PL. I have just highlighted a tiny fraction of the problem.
