Quote Originally Posted by kiitz View Post
You sir have completely missed the entire point that dudetus was making.

To make things easy, lets say 1 plat = $1. Let's say I will purchase 10 plat for 10 dollars even if there wasn't a plat sale.

Now, if there were a plat sale, making 1 plat $0.50, Maybe I would want to buy more, say 15 plat. The problem is now STS is only making $7.50 on that 15 plat instead of the $10 I would have spent.

Let's say I am really motivated and buy 20 plat, now they've sold me 20 plat for $10 instead of 10 plat for $10. The issue here is because I have more plat now, it will be longer before I buy more plat in the future, basically cannibalizing their future sales.

Obviously, you can play around with the numbers, like what kind of discount they would want to provide. Maybe it won't be 50%, but as the percentage discount goes down, there will also be less incentive for me to buy more plat.

That isn't even the big issue though. The biggest issue is that there is enough demand for plat right now at current prices that any discount they give would have a greater negative impact by lowering the amount of profit they would get from the plat sales that will happen regardless of if there is a plat sale, than the benefit STS would see from additional plat sales.

The funny thing is, the people who understand this (like dudetus and some other people) already know this, and the people who don't will probably still not understand what I've just typed above.
Yup, ty for covering my back haha