Only had the game for a day and loving it!

Some things i'd like to see:

- The music is nice, but it gets really repetitive and i'd like it if there were a few variations of the music or longer and more varied soundtracks.

- More than 4 action buttons. The only class I've played so far is the mage so I'm not sure what others have, but having 4 buttons to bind spells to is not enough for me. What i'd like is another bar say right next to it that has an extra 4 buttons to bind spells to. I usually use 4 spells in combat but in the rare occasion where someone dies i cant revive instantly unless i go into menu and unbind a spell and bind revive to it.... Unless I've totally missed something here!

The spells wouldn't have to be right next to it, just somewhere when the time time arises it can easily be accessed.

What do you guys think?