Usually around here it vary's from 98-100F Daily.
Usually around here it vary's from 98-100F Daily.
SL: L.41 xPaarx
PL: L.66 Paaraseva
DL: L.21 Jupiter
It rained here in Phoenix so that brought it down to 92. Though we're back in the 100's the rest of the summer again haha
Main: Ardon lvl 41 Operative
No idea what the exact temperature was but... Im in the Windy City and all we got was humidity with wind feeling like we opened up a huge oven as we step out onto the porch. Smh. Instant sweating. Im staying my happy butt in doors where the central cooling stays on!
Last edited by Lady_Pebbles; 07-04-2012 at 08:43 PM.
its -100 here im in antartica just jk
Level 63 bird uemeeuilith
100 here. Brutal.
I live in Missouri and they say the lowest it will go is 75 degrees, which hasn't even hit 90, around 98-105 degrees everyday
Hot enough for people to run around in their bathing suits. 97 without humidity
Highest temp from yesterday i seen was 107,F
45-57 celsius here in mid india(freakin hot)
Man its hot in the US. Here in the UK its been around 15-20 degrees. A lot of rain at the moment.
My area needs rain. Care to donate?Originally Posted by Skeletonlord:700166
High 99 today with 55% humidity and still in a drought. Luckily it gets to 102 degrees tomorrow...
Why does Texas always feel better in the hundreds?
It's been mid 80's- mid 90s in new jersey, US. Including a nice touch of humidity
60s, 70s, a bit chilly and breezy.
Star light, star bright...
A few days back it was 111 (f)
37.5 c