Quote Originally Posted by FluffNStuff View Post
Actually, I AM Techno Email ...

(wait, impersonating a dev is not good, scratch that)

Actually, I AM Saycred!!!

(wait, who would actually want to be Saycred. If the entire PL community aimed a microscope at me, they would find a whole heck of a lot more dirt)

Actually, I AM vampinoy!!!

(wait, your probably not gonna buy that one, are you?)
You're one intriguing case. Can't seem to point a finger on it, but I feel that you're on my side even if you're trolling me, just afraid that your buddies will not agree, that's ok, I understand peer pressure. Anyway, I'm not here to argue anyway, if Technoemail doesn't live up to her message that she will come out and explain this, then you don't have to wait for it burn out, I will stop. The reasoning for not coming out is flawed, that's basically saying that in times like these, devs will just wash their hands clean and let the Guardians do the dirty work...maybe it's not only the masses I overestimated as you said earlier :P Just when the community needs a Dev most *poof*. As I've said, I know I won't get banned but I'm not sure what a player called Lowlyspy wil say about that who's 101% sure I will be banned. After this day passes, I will no longer post on this thread, and you can all freely flock it with your flamez without worrying that I'll own you :P 'Till then, I'll keep an open eye :P Trust me (orr not), this is all a game to me too :P