
I'll be sad to see the luck go but I can live without it. As for the other changes my personal feeling is that after removing the only changes I'd be happy to see would be increased xp for 3D and increased gold for allies. It may seem there is a glut of gold in the game but from where I sit I still can't buy the best gear for even one of my characters - even after combining gold from all of them. I was able to eventually get "good enough" gear for most of them and I'm happy enough so - isn't that a sufficient advantage for the hardcore grinders? I really hope you won't make it another PL where the hardcore have all the money and best gear and essentially everyone else is poor and poorly equipped. I play to have fun, not to replicate the conditions of real life in a game.

Would it help if I beg? Can I bribe you with some level 25 white drops I got from 24 hour ally missions?