Quote Originally Posted by BoomBox View Post
Also can we get these on every char we have? Cause i switched chars and checked and the time was different on the timer. And will the elixirs stack on top of elixirs we already have.
The Elf Queen will give each character a new daily blessing every 24-hours. She will offer each character a new daily blessing every 24-hours, relative to when the character last claimed their daily blessing. If you don't accept your blessing on time, you will lose part of the blessing. This also happens on a per-character basis.

If she blesses you with a 24-hour elixir blessing, IT WILL STACK! Damage and armor have a cap.* Damage and armor multipliers can only multiply up to the cap. For example, if you have a 3x armor elixir and you are not quite at the armor cap, the stacking 1.5x armor elixir will bump your armor up to the cap, so you do not become invincible. You will be virtually invincible, but...not quite invincible.

*You can not do infinite damage or have infinite armor because this would make my head explode. I heard this is bad for your health, so I actively try to avoid it.