Quote Originally Posted by CrimsonTider View Post
If you read my posts, I didn't start on Friday: I decided to grind on Friday. I actually began the quest the night it came out and have been frustrated from the onset.

If I were single like you, I would already have this completed on both my bear and bird. However, I am not single. After work, I spend 2 hours a day in the gym, help my wife around the house, spend time with my kids, and play PL when time permits. As I stated in the OP, I use to be a 4-5 hour a night/12-14 hour kn weekend player. Then I woke up and realized what I was doing to myself and my family. I took a 6 month leave from PL and really only came back for a few friends. I refuse to go back to my old ways, which is what this quest requires.

A weapon which may or may not be relevant after next cap is just not worth the inconsistency of these drops. Actually, nothing pixelated is worth the time lost in RL.
Join the party buddy. I work out as well and I don't have a wife to help take care of my child or clean up my house. Just because I am single doesn't mean I am going to shrug off my responsibilities as an adult in maintaining my place. If I didn't go to the gym, ordered out for all my meals, didn't cut the grass, do my laundry, clean my house, pack my stuff for work, do volunteer work, and go to bed at a reasonable hour, I'd probably be done with this quest by now. But I wouldn't be surprised if it takes me 3-4 more days to get my last 30 or so ichors. I definitely don't have the time to even play 4-5 hours a night or 12-14 hours on a weekend. Quite frankly, I didn't even expect to finish the quest in time because I figured it would be closed by now. At best I'll get an hour or 2 during the weekday and a few hours on the weekend per day off. Just for the heck of it, I downloaded the app onto my phone to try and get some during my lunch break since I eat at work anyway. Got 6 ichors playing with randoms in 45 minutes. Why? Probably because we were getting the runs done so quickly. If you're taking 5 or more minutes to complete a run, this quest is a bear. My goal was about 10-20 during the weekday and 50+ on the weekends. My only worry was if there was going to be enough time for me complete this based. But they've given us so much time, I'm just pecking away at the quest the same way I did for totems, furballs, and snowballs. A little here and there and the quest has to get completed at some point. I've seen the bad runs and experienced the bad runs. Had a friend who had 499. Took 13 runs to finally get the last one.