Quote Originally Posted by BodMaster View Post
Exactly.. so annoying makes the SL forums look a massive clutter.

Should we all start doing the same? Or hope that they will catch on an learn the hard way..

All I'm seeing lately is one word replies to different posts usually double and triple posts. One roll eyes, another smiley another .... another replied to a post and then replies to a seperate post without using multi-quote or even attempting to edit..

How is AoB chosen? Because its definitely not for role model type behavior.

Mod should not encourage this type of foruming. (It's getting to the point no one even wants to hang about here anymore

How are these productive? Isn't it against ToS to make unproductive posts and threads? Or am I alone in this..
All out of thanks for the day, I do agree with you, and you hit some major points. I used to think AoB was a lead-by-example group, now they plan parties and spam smilies? Is this the best group we could've gotten? Because I certainly know I wouldn't agree that spamming a smiley or a rolleyes was role-model material.