Quote Originally Posted by MightyMicah View Post
Actually, I couldn't disagree more. O.o Seems like we continuously blame people's behavior more and more on "mental instability." What causes someone to be unstable in the first place?

Back to op. Coming from a younger generation's perspective, I've actually noticed that the most rude people I meet are around 11-13 years old and 18-21. Most adults are very, very nice to everyone. BloodGoddess, I wouldn't be surprised if these people who were being rude were a couple of college buddies or some little kids. I'm not sure why people feel the need to bring others down like that. If you need a dude to chill with, hit me up! I have only a couple friends in DL and I wouldn't mind some more like-minded people to hang with. :-)

They actually are college kids. Well, I'm not sure if they're in college, but they're old enough to be... You guys know the ones...