I have to agree i have spent thousands in plat farming in this game, my house as a whole has spent extreme money in this game, we farm because we make gold, in this house we have given millions away to players who start, when we run out of gold we farm it up again, i UNDERSTAND the re rolls not working and fixing the "bug" but to make gear that we have paid plat to gear up and farm for hours on end, (lets not forget the players who do not pve much but pvp who spend plat to farm for their gear" this sudden dropp rate of hard to get gear is insane! I farmed 30+ lvl 15 armours in under 1hour this is extreme! Destroying the economy and the fun of farming, also lowering the plat sales ( ummmm think this was not thought threw) because if i farm with a plat re roll get what i want i am done and can go back to pvp. The re-roll should allow for a re roll on the best gear but to get the best gear 100 0/0 of the time no fun in that. And no challange in the game.

Have people forgotten how hard the original pl players have worked before re rolls to get this gear? Somhow this balance is way off.