Same. I stopped at 1.
Quote Originally Posted by Taaralatie View Post
And Ruby? Yeah..I feel the same. I had time and plat to take all 3 of mine to cap this weekend but after the first it just felt like a hollow achievement. I felt deflated.

I love this game, I have been here a long time, I want to get all I can from it. After all, I have invested a lot of time and rl money into it. But, throwing my plat around and running round Mega Maze like a god is not a victory. It felt like a race that you joined and couldn't stop until it was over. I was about to do the same with the others when I had an epiphany. I realised that I could just stop playing. The world has not changed. PL is actually quite insignificant in the grand scheme of things. With a little distance, comes perspective. I took a break. Did some real life things like kick the leaves in the park and bake cupcakes with my niece. It feels good not to be running around a map insta killing mobs. I know I will be back...can't quite kick the habit...but when the egg race is over. Then I can take my time and leisurely cap mage (and possibly bear).

Like you, the sewer grind was an unforgettable experience. I made some awesome friends and enjoyed every hard earned xp point I got. I am still proud to say I got 3 COPs. I don't feel proud to have gained The Egg. I feel I bought it and there is nothing elite about that.