Quote Originally Posted by razerfingers View Post
Seems all the fox haters are for obama. Seems legit since all the others talk trash about romney and only fox pulls stuff from both sides lol. Dont go all guns a blazin on fax because all you notice is the bad things

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall
I hope you are trolling... Foxnews is the most irresponsible, idiotic, fact-distorting, lying, right wing extremist I have ever seen. They do not pull stuff from both sides...I mean hell...visit foxnews.com and the first thing you see is a picture of Obama asking Biden, "What now?". I watch Bill O'Reilly just to laugh at how retarded he is. He is a pathological liar. Oh, and that guy that freaked out on foxnews when they reported Obama's victory. The entire place has that mentality.

Now, if you are talking about Fox5 news... then that is a totally separate entity.