Quote Originally Posted by CrimsonTider View Post
Let's see....

Other than the psychological effects (last thing we need is more impaired drivers), are the following:

@Skao - so if we make stealing legal, then our country will be safer? Afraid not. Empowering (or giving in) just to ignore a problem is a problem within itself. These kids will do nothing but quit school in large amounts to take a hold of this new "opportunity." Increasing the dummies in the world... no thank you.
Im just stating that I see 1st hand what running a grow operation does to to the ppl that r young adults in my community, and that i would rather this industry (because of its existing size) be ran by regulated companies rather than teens. Its just my opinion that making it a profession would require a level of education for entry, several ppl already attend such colleges. From a plain economic stand i see a possibility frontier for more colleges+more students +more entrepreneurs +more business +more jobs+less unemployment = greater efficency

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