Thank's! very Love AL
Thank's! very Love AL
and im still waiting for apple :/ lol
Jcyee: 76 PL Bear | 41 AL Warrior | 36 DL Vampire
Yay! finally I can play AL and today I made it to lvl 9 lol
I'm The Officer of L.O.A and I'm proud
League of Assassinz
Thanks for releasing. Btw, is it fair for people playing it now then the rest who got it before the limited edition?
Heard a few people saying its unfair and how it going to balance?
*DivineHawkz -46 Operative
Tired and sad but fun.. - Feitan
stuck on 94% doesnt load on chrome is this just me
Last edited by Ciroc; 11-13-2012 at 08:49 AM.
I was so excited and I missed the download button about 3 times
Im not much of a tech geek but does the kindle fire and the nexus 7 use the same app store? In other words does the nexus 7 work on AL as of right now? Thanks
3 more weeks til apple launch? Are you kidding me? Screw that -.-
Make it for apple first will you?!
I'm so Mad wont let me make account for google play now I can't download, why is it not on the App Store for iTunes
Guess I will be downloading it tonight then!
BD/ BC Kraoracha/ DL Kraoracha, Kraorachi, Kraoracho, Kraorachu
AL Kraoracha - Warrior, Kraoracho - Mage / PL Paiehek - Arch. / SL Kraoracha - Eng.
When does AL come out on iOS?
AL is truely the best legends yet. STS, please keep the content coming at a decent rate for this game and maybe add more story quests from the bard. After a few days of playing, I can honestly say that although this is similar to DL, it is more than just a re-skinned DL (DL is good, but too short and too focused on playing dress-up).
Growwle - My guess is 1050
I'll just play Order & Chaos Online while waiting for Arcane Legends iOS release then.
waiting for my ios
PL: PickyMpc (Mage) - PickyQyu (Bear) - Qyu (Bird) | SL: PickyMpc (Com) - PickyQyu (Op) - Qyu (Eng)
DL: PickyMpc - Qyu - Btw
no HP or MP keyboard shorcut for Chrome?
"Common sense is so rare these days, it should be classified as a super power."