Quote Originally Posted by pizzaman View Post
The only reason I see why this couldn't work is less obvious to us players. There are people who buy plat, play a game and then move on to the next game where they buy even more plat. This has encouraged sts to bring out lots of games and kind of abandon the existing games, thinking it will earn them more money. Which is true in the short term.

A combined game would give a small short term drop in plat income. So this will only work if sts starts to understand that they need to consolidate their communities if they want to keep income in the long run.

I, for one, would buy the biggest plat deal there is for such a combined game though.
Well as Vamp was saying in another thread http://www.spacetimestudios.com/show...200#post858200 that if sts keep taking this approach the players will keep getting split up between the games or something similar. Perhaps to move on to a bigger community MMO like WoW mobile when that comes out.

What sts needs to do imo is make everyone feel like like they are part of one big game instead of four smaller ones to solidify their fan base.
I know they are already doing this on the forums in a way, but I and others rarely visit threads out of our preferred game sections.

Keep up the discussion everyone, some really good stuff here so far :-)

Think Mitchturbo Think!