Brb ima grab the name Justg and sell it back to him for 10000000000000000000000000000 plat, seriously though.. Many people have had troubles of impersonation in Pocket legends, I spent a LOT of plat getting the names Hunzz,Hunzzzz,Hunzzzzz,Hunz and any other variation I could think of trying to reduce the risk of people impersonating me... Not so long ago a friend of mine was scammed because someone had the name Zzhunzz (level 1 char) and asked to borrow her Charmin set, thankfully I was able to replace her set, however this kind of activity should not be tolerated, I mean... They obviously knew that these names had some kind of reputation towards them and wanted to take advantage of that...

On that note... Buying my name back for 10m (; ̄ェ ̄)