Quote Originally Posted by vampinoy View Post
25GB is the SAFE ZONE of free space you need to be able to store GW2 Data file and its other components in the GW2 folder, it doesn't necessarily mean that the size of GW2 is 25GB, most of it will just be buffer space for future updates. For instance, my GW2 files only consume around 15GB as of the latest update. Games like to exaggerate on their HDD requirements for their future updates. If you have 28GB, then your laptop will be fine. HOWEVER, Data files of an online game are known to increase slowly as they expand their game's content. You need to monitor your HDD every time your games update/patches.

If you're concerned with your laptop's HDD, there are many remedies out there. You can do the ff:

1. Buy a cheap flashdrive/thumbdrive/USB with 25GB.
2. Install GW2 in your laptop.
3. Copy/Paste GW2 folder to your flashdrive/thumbdrive/USB.
4. Delete the program file of GW2 in your laptop.

This way, you don't have to store the GW2 folder in your laptop, since it's already in your external HDD. Every time you want to play GW2, simply plug the external HDD and click Play. I have many PC games that are installed in separate USB devices that are not in my PC's HDD for...it's a little cheaper than upgrading your internal HDD. I only store important work or personal files in my HDD, the rest are all in external drive. This has benefits. Let's say you're out of town and you forgot to bring you laptop with you, you can simply look for a "safe laptop" (without keyloggers, etc. you can research about it in google) and plug your external HDD and play (provided there's an internet).
Wow... quite the wise one you are!