Listing fees is very high in auctions. Also there should be an additional comments option by the seller. so we can mention that we are open to bargain. Or if someone wanna buys our item in exchange of our item, we can mention our preference. For ex - in my listing of a 500k item, I can mention that I am open for trade for 200k+ a particular item or a pet many. That will make it easier for us.
In auctions sometimes people end up with good legendary items that they wanna sell but cause of heavy listing fees they can't. Then they sell for low price. I think either u guys should decrease listing fees % or maybe take it only if item sells. Or if not that then at least return that fees if listing is cancelled.

New pets - there are very few pets in the game. And most are basically same with diff colour combinations. U guys can add tigers, eagles, maybe lions, cats, any other good animal. We seriously need heavier variety of companions.

Variety of top class items. Currently there is only 1 too items in every class. Like a particular blades for rogues level 16 legendary. These are the best blades for rogues. Why can't there be options. Of someone likes to be heavy on health (not as heavy as warriors) and armor then a weapon for that. A diff one for intelligence and diff one for dex, bonus damage and damage. But the value of these items for you and for players will be same, I.e., u can have the same % chance in or servers of players farming these. That is maybe 0.5 % for all these three items.

Bigger parties for higher level of enemies. In upcoming levels u can add even harder bosses with parties of 5. Bigger areas maybe. Certainly more additional items to slash and collect loot from.

About loot, loot we find generally by slashing stuff is generally 2,5,10,20,34, gold. You guys can add rare chance of getting 100-5000 gold.

I know that u guys have made this game to earn money but If the game is free for everyone with additional premium currency and services then the regular achievements should be achieveable by everyone. Maybe hard for normal users but at leat give them an opportunity. Like currently there are two achievements which ask users to list MULTIPLE and 10 items in auction at the same time. Those who can't buy can't ever get this achievement. Maybe if someone sells items over 1 million gold then they get an additional listing slot from the auction house. So if in 2-3 weeks someone is able to sell items worth in total 10 M they have 10 additional slots and now they can get that achievement. Same with normal user can buy a guild character.

Guilds - currently guilds concept is lame. U join a guild. The master buys a hall, people can trade and chat thers, there is a guild chat but that's it. Nothing innovative and exciting with guilds going on.

I have more in mind...maybe I'll comment later.