Quote Originally Posted by Rushorgtfo View Post
Sorry but if you prefer high damadge your askin less than 300 armor and less than 900 HP. You sir have no survivability. Rogues who go for pure damadge are MMO suicide bombers, useless and only good as a meat shield for others.
I dont survive much actually, I admit that, I have 650 HP, 700 mana, and 349 armor but, in my opinion, the reason why most pure damage characters in most MMOs are squishy is because the tank is responsible for us surviving in a group instance scenario he should not lose aggro and turn us into "meat shields". The fact that in this MMO pure dex rogues die alot is because we cant run away fast enough, the tank cant keep aggro because they dont have a taunt skill, and because even with the taunt skill the cool down is so long it is practically useless. With that being said alot of our survivability depends on the tank, if I wanted to deal low damage and not deal with the fact that I WILL die alot I would of chosen to make my main character a warrior.