So, on my warrior (level 16), I have 600 defense, 2k HP, and 690 MP. My damage is low (at 70 with low quality vorpal). He is a pure tank.

I can swap out the ring and amulet I'm currently wearing and get an additional 23 damage, however, I would lose 100 defense and almost 200 MP. Also, if I upgrade my weapon to the best vorpal, I'd gain an additional 12 damage. That would put me at 105 damage, 500 defense, and 490 mp, and around 2300 hp.

I don't seem to have any trouble holding aggro on elite jarl or anything else, so do I really need to worry about getting my damage higher right now?

--and don't say "wait till the level cap raises". I'll still be in this situation after it does!

So, my question is.. which of these setups is better for a TANK.

2k hp, 690 mp, 600 defense, 70 dps


2.3khp, 500 mp, 500 defense, 105 dps

Thanks in advance for any insight =)