Just to say so far I am very much enjoying the game.

I would like to offer my opinion on what I would be happy to pay for and what improvements I would like to see. First of all I have played so many MMorpgs in the past and now that I am 32 have a job and work hard you can appreciate I do not get as much time as others. I play with my guild members on my mobile device as it is easy and convenient and we are all roughly the same age. Here are the conclusions I have come too after playing through Elite mode and reaching level 16.

I remember a long time ago putting many hours into game called Legend of Mir made by a company called WEmade entertainment and this is a game that had it right.

I understand your business model and I get you have to make money however being able to buy gold with platinum is just not worthwhile. You now have an economy where any player can spend 50 dollars and obtain the best end game gear in the game. I am a player that has paid for platinum but I have done this to support Spacetime studios and to also buy my guild and anything guild related. I am prepared to pay for vanity items and extra pvp maps for example. I will not however pay for end game gear as where is the fun in that?? I will not use plat to buy gold. I can farm the boss in village over and over for that!! You may want to look at that by the way as everyone is farming him and not doing the rest of the map.

If I owned your company and the rights to arcane legends this is what I would do.

Get rid of plat to buy gold as this would make gold in game much more valuable and this would stabilize the economy going forward.

You have an economy at the moment where some pink items go for 300-400 gold which is just ridiculous. Pink items are legendary for a reason they need to stay rare. At the moment I sell everything white, green and blue in my inventory as it is all worthless. Blue items are where people should make there money in the auction house and pinks should be the items people aspire to play your game for. They should aspire to kill bosses over and over again to get that pink item. otherwise make something above legendary which is orange which binds to the toon and cannot be sold. Something like a super legendary item.

I think you should make in game gear and plat bought gear. They should have roughly the same stats so the people who do not pay do not feel they will never get the best gear from playing the game. You should allow people to buy the plat gear if they do not have much time to play but want to play endgame maps.

Something I would like to see is a map where you go to PVE but can be killed PVP as this would be a scary place to go. People would end up getting into battles and would be super fun to try and kill your monster only to be killed by another group as you would go back to get revenge.

I would like to see the main towns being attacked every so often by elite monsters where the whole town has to get together to rid these beasts. These could be special random events which would keep people on their toes and the monsters may drop really cool special items.

At the moment blue and green items are worthless so instead of getting 5 gold for each can we not use these items to have a chance to add extra damage or crit chance to our items? have a vendor that does this. I would pay plat to try and get those precious extra stats on my end game wep.

Stats like +1 luck on a wep would be great and again should be rare.

Of course also add Pure PVP maps with death matches.

I would love to see arcane legends succeed but the way it is at the moment I am very worried about your current business model as this is putting me and my friends off the game. Gold needs to be something you work for so it is precious in game. Do not destroy it by allowing people to just buy hundreds of thousands of gold.

We will pay for plat but only if it is for the good of the game and not to destroy the economy.

Add mounts as I will pay for a good mount but again like pets people working hard in game should be able to get the rarest ones.

I hope you can take some of these points onboard.

Many thanks