Quote Originally Posted by angeldawn:904994
Quote Originally Posted by MightyMicah View Post
Ghost. Here is my solution- (I hope you like it)

We get all end gamers back to 55. Not 56. 55. Then anyone who decides to use glyph/f-bow gets rushed/booted until they conform to our rules.

This is a ridiculous idea, I realize. But wouldn't that be amazing?

Other than that, there is absolutely no reason to continue except to be around friends. Pvp gets worse with every update. At this rate PL is on it's way to becoming a legendary pvp failure of a game. I'm with you. I'm constantly hoping for better pvp to no avail. I'm firmly convinced that StS is incapable of balancing pvp.
I'm down!! Count me in!! It would be fun to lvl new toons together too
Im already set up, got my 55 bear in my back pocket, let me know