Quote Originally Posted by TheMiraclebird View Post
Youre not getting what im saying, and its maybe cuz you dont play pl but even if they implement it, the arrow is going to be on your head whats the real point?

And in isometric games, isnt the minimap on the top right corner and not 3d ?
Depends on the game. I can see you've never played Diablo 2, arguably the most famous isometric action RPG of all time, which had both a minimap that overlayed the gameplay field and had an arrow for your character. I challenge you to name another isometric game like this that has an overlay minimap WITHOUT the personal arrow on it.

And I totally get what you're saying. I don't know how many times or ways I can say I do. But since you don't see any point to it, you seem to think no one else ever should? Go set your minimap to be zoomed all the way out and turn the opacity up all the way so it's not transparent at all. Run like that for a few days and see if you can discover the value of such an arrow for yourself.

But for the love of Pete, please stop with the "I don't see the value in such a request, so there isn't any" argument. You don't see the value, don't think it would do anything, etc. That's fine! Nothing wrong with that at all. But stop trying to claim that the value I hold in such a feature is somehow wrong. If it had no value at all, then I would have never even noticed its absence in this game. But I noticed it right away and found myself missing it, so I clearly there is value in it for me.

Try running with your minimap zoomed out and at full opacity like I mentioned for a few days. I say a few days, because you really have to take time to get used to it and let it sink in. I can tell you why I like the personal reference arrow until I'm blue in the face, but you'll gain a better understanding if you discover why for yourself. Who knows, you may end up wishing for a personal minimap arrow yourself!