about in-game mods, i've heard some rumours that they exist
but i've never seen one but samhayne
please feedback ?
about in-game mods, i've heard some rumours that they exist
but i've never seen one but samhayne
please feedback ?
The only moderator is Delphina the rest like Samhayne are devs
MY NEW PROJECT:From 1 to 71 in less than 1 week
Mods are Delphina, Airrie.
Basically anyone with a green name is mod and red name is dev.
Credits to Iady
Mods/Devs also use "alts" which have white names. They also have family members which play as well.
CrimsonTider::Astuteness::Crim::CrimzonTider::IBec kon::Houndstooth
WreckzNEffect::Intuitive::Kinesiology::Crimagical: :Killtastrophe::SsgtSlaughter::Transfixion
Eagle eye = STS in their games xP
Sent using blood on a bathroom wall
Officially, no there aren't any in-game mods, but the devs and forum mods do play. So yeah...be nice to everyone!
PL: Seucheky
SL: McBain
DL: ArethaFanglin
AL: McBain, Seucheky
If there are devs and mods in game, they don't come to low level. I remember teaming an ambassador just because it was an AoA. Only AoA who had my respect was Stein. Back on topic, devs dont come to low level.
Just to clear up the confusion:
CrimsonTider::Astuteness::Crim::CrimzonTider::IBec kon::Houndstooth
WreckzNEffect::Intuitive::Kinesiology::Crimagical: :Killtastrophe::SsgtSlaughter::Transfixion
Anyone know tiv?
O Hai Der
reminds me when I caught Boomer (JustG) cornering a supposed scammer, and just like that instant mob around him, blowing his cover.
moral of the story: they HAVE to use alts to get anything done
404 - not found ...maybe one day...
Add it in pink names are dev too
i always am !