Last edited by Bless; 02-15-2013 at 02:26 PM.
Credits to Iady
I think one off the reasons PvP is taking so long for them to balance is that they are working on the pet part. I personally would like to see pet PvP. There could be different types off PvP:
3 I thought of:
PvP (without pet)
PvP (with pet)
PvP (only pets)
The last one would be awesome
thats cool with me!Originally Posted by Vystirch:916477
Credits to Iady
pvp only pets?
nty unless I can control my own pet
thats too complex for sts.Originally Posted by gundamsone:916481
Credits to Iady
I honestly don't think pvp is coming out anytime in the near future. It doesn't seem to be a priority. They're already working on another new game. I think if they really wanted pvp in AL they would be working on it first before starting up another title.
In fact, I think if pvp was a priority it would have been developed before AL was released.
There's lots game with pvp including pets, don't need make it all difficult
Pet battles ala' WoW's newest expansion, would be very awesome!!
Gold iPad Air 2 Mini 64GB Wifi
I don't see why pets shouldn't be included. Saying that some people have better pets and it would be an advantage? You could make the same complaint about gear...some folks got better gear so it's an advantage. No difference between the two in my opinion. I think it's one more thing that will make each character's build unique. We all have debates about which pet is better, so between having different skills, different passives, different gear, and different pets, PvP will actually be interesting rather than in PL where everyone uses the same exact build and gear for each class.
i understand that you just want a "fair" pvp gameplay.. but Letting everyone use any pets, isnt that fair already?
then the "skill" that your looking for a player will truly be seen. on how he/she uses pets:P
dont really care if they have pets on pvp or not i never play pvp that much seems boring
sure ill try it every now and then but not my thing geting a whole set is fun for me hope they have sets
Weapons make a huge difference as well. So by that logic, should we not allow weapons in PvP too?
Look, pets are part of your equipment. You farm/buy it like any other gear in the game, which means each player is given a chance of an even playing field. I do see your point regarding the arcane ability. However, nobody can say for certain that it would cause imbalance to PvP since we don't know how it would look like yet. I for one had different expectations from the PvP in SL, and it came out different than what I expected.
If anything, we might see some diminishing returns on impairing effects to prevent people from possibly stun-locking enemies as I can already see that happening with a Sorcerer with a Flap Jack or Colton.
Anybody can sacrifice a queen. The real trick is getting away with it.
By the feedback I'm getting ~ stock up on your flapjacks guys!
I didn't compare gear. Since everyone can't afford a malison or the "good" pets, it may cause unfair advantages.
Even I want pets in Pvp but there are some 'OP' pets look below for some.
1. Flapjack, Horton, basically all pets with stun passive - once u get stunned by him ur finished.
2. Frosts arcane ability - wouldn't consider it overpowered but the 30% speed reduction on enemies help in ctf.
3. Dart - his 10% DMG reduction.
Imagine ur in one of the situations. I'm not crying if someone has better pets (heck I have 29 pets!), again I would want some OP pets - but first take a chill pill and then think about it sensibly.
yup would want that
Last edited by Bless; 01-03-2013 at 07:38 PM.
Credits to Iady
Pets are really no different than the Crit vs. Dodge argument in PL.
Of course, there will be unfair advantages - but that's probably just the name of the game. At some point, the community will define some rules - like the popular Go! or FFA in PL. I can see games where the rule is no Ribbit or Flap Jack, or same pet, or same level, etc.
Unlike PL, I see the potential for more PvP variety here. Can't wait!
AL: Kalizzaa
Retired Officer of <Elite Runners>
Elite Chronicles: Solo guides for elite maps - No longer maintained
Meh, i think pets arcane abilities should be allowed lol..
They're right, its like any other gears which you could obtain using plat or gold
Gears that could be used any time as you will in PvP but not seen as any unfairness in the actual battlefield.
Gears that everyone can obtain fairly if they wanted to buy it or simply had the luck.
Seriously, get strong or die trying. Right? :\
Last edited by iAmPain; 01-03-2013 at 08:22 PM.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Play as if it's your last.Because in the End, You will face Judgement
Yeah, beating someone with a malison,loki or whatever expensive pet he/she has in pvp while you're using a plain old free pet would just be awesome. It is a big effect alright, but it's not everything. Im pretty sure if players want to be better and stronger in the game, they will strive hard to get the pets and gears they want. Or maybe just lurk the forums and post like 10 million replies and topics everyday. L O L
Last edited by sonofmars; 01-03-2013 at 08:28 PM.
I kinda agree with Miracle. Pets would be interesting but with the huge ability differences between pets in AL, pvp would be quite a mess. Not to mention to use the same op pet( ex: Malison, Flap Jack) continuously would require lots of gold to maintain (feed).
PL: Crestmage -- Crestwar -- Crestbear -- Crestphoenix -- Twinkworld -- Tearacecaz
AL: Crestmage -- Crestwar
PvP stands for Player vs Player. Not PPvPP ( Player and Pet vs Player and Pet)
If WoW can have Pet battles that people genuinely enjoy, I don't see why pets in AL can't be included in some way. It would add a new dimension and STS wants us to keep buying pets.
They could make PVP pets so no pets are OP and make it fair. Just an idea
Gold iPad Air 2 Mini 64GB Wifi