Quote Originally Posted by Aedenos View Post
I'll just give my opinion again. Get better. Sounds harsh, but it's true. I don't think sts should nerf things for one class just to make it easier for another class. Obviously, it's possible to be successful, you just haven't figured it out yet. I've seen several sorcerers that are awesome.

Also, I get one shot too as a rogue.
My suggestion that I posted in a few other threads is that INT points should also count towards Crit just like Dex does, but perhaps slightly less (the same way you get health points from DEX or INT, but not as much as from STR). The main imbalance between rogues and sorcerers are that rogues get critical hits quite often which boosts their damage by 200-250%. Without pets, sorcerers rarely get a critical hit as most of us have Crit % stat below 5%. If they were to make this change, then sorcerers would get critical hits more often and this would even things out. It would also give us a chance to kill warriors which right now is almost impossible 1-on-1 unless the warrior is a bumbling fool and doesn't manage to hit us even once.