Dude I think what you are asking for is not possible. Yes Cinco is a pro at awesome updates but Cinco also has to take this in account:
Every old player who has been in the old days of PL and worked hard for the discontinued gear will be absolutely annoyed. There has to be some sort of difference in old and new players. Trust me it isn't just about the money and how people who have spent millions on the sets which would cause an outrage on this idea, but old players want to be able to show that they were there at the beginning of PL's life. Otherwise everyone would look the same. This idea might be good if they were planning to sunset the game, which would give chances to the slightly newer players to obtain and try out these old sets. Otherwise, sorry to disappoint you man but I highly doubt this going to happen. Cinco is already doing a great job with his creation of new items. Almost everyone is happy with his new work. Instead if he does something like this, many individuals may start disliking the idea.