Quote Originally Posted by Conquered View Post
The drop rate was different before, so.. lol
I am talking about 2013-14. I know that the drop rate is like 1/1000 and it was WAY higher at release. I am just saying that most people I know who looted napalms got their napalm at their 1st to 10th run of the day/of their farm. I got my first Napalm at my 7th farming run, I still remember that fused napalm.

I've used this farming method developed by Madnexx http://starlegends.wikia.com/wiki/Napalm_Carbines . I started farming with friends, we farmed for like 3-4 hours with a single 1h combo since each run costs about 1min30 of elixer up to 4min30 with the depths.

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