Quote Originally Posted by inkredble View Post
Lol bro you don't get it. It's a fixed description. You're talking about damage nerf I'm talking about HP
When it comes to STR and HP damage has nothing to do with it
It's fixed. 1 str = 10HP for warriors. Now what you're saying is the damage maybe diff outcome
So instead of 1str = 0.64 dmg .. It won't be 0.64 since as u said 10% damage nerfed.. That's two different things. You're thinking about HOR, the healing increments in HOR some depends on how much damage your character have, the HP releases in JUGG is a 500 fixed.. No str no damage involvement and same with venge... Do you understand?
I specifically boxed the description.. It should give what it describes

It's the same thing as 1 Dex = 3 HP for warriors no matter what

these issues showed up after the double xp update (Monday )
As for JUGG,it's seems to be healing slower than usual (self heal) i am not talking about how much it heals but rather the speed of healing.. Speed of reaction

Let's leave it for the devs,
Lol who doesn't understand what here? I've stated that it's a display glitch; my estimation is based on the fact that the variables for display values and actual number figures are different. Thus the algorithm for the calculation for the display of the pop up number (450) could have been altered and now ran throught the 10% global damage nerf, resulting in the number you see now. It makes sense mathematically (500 - 10/100 * 500 = 450), you missed my point.