I *sigh* because i dont even know what an XPERIA is lol! It looks like another copy of a PSP that Sony made to make more money on a device that does just a little more than the previous model if any. Yeah it looks cool but I feel that Sony is sucking money from us. So many people that I know have bought almost every version of the PSP because it looks cool...I saw one comment already that said that they would buy it for Pocket Legends. but it looks cool..lol. And I always thought of Pocket Legends as an IPod thing. Something that was "exculsive" to the Ipod. But now that they introduce it to the Xperia and possibly even as a computer game, i think its becoming something that people waste money on. Not on the game itself but on the system. I have seen soo many people that have bought Black Ops for both Xbox AND PS3. Now its available for more people..and...honestly I dont know.....