Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
Yes. Hardcore vs hardcore in standard PvP zones. Hardcore can PvP against normal characters in Duels and in Guild Battlegrounds. The whole character reset thing does apply in PvP as well.

OP updated with this info. Thanks!
Sweet...thanks Cinco...So I'm guessin the scores don't go to 20 kills for a win in the standard pvp zones then? Since chars reset upon death?

Can you guys make it hardcore vs hardcore only? So then hardcore mode is separate from normal

Just a lil ten cents...For pvp in hardcore mode, would you be able to make it so that the losing team gets the reset? That way we could still play to 20 kills in tdm and for BG's the losing team reset too

CTF: whole point of CTF is capturing the flags but then my ten cents would be a waste since everyone decides the winner by the number of kills... So it's more like 'seek and destroy'

So for hardcore mode could there be a new arena(or just use the CTF layout but without flags) called 'seek and destroy' players clash to about 100kills? Or until the enemy team forfeit. Then the losing team gets the reset :P or just the person who dies the most le

What you guys reckon?

PS. I like the idea of us not being able to change our current chars to hardcore...But then the lvl grinds gonna be a struggle lel

Pls don't bring the awakes into hardcore

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Nah jks...I ain't got no beef :P