@callmepayne bruh lmao chill out. They only know to banter

Srsly @zau if mmph is so trash , if the guild is filled with a holes. Isn't it quiet weird that ur the one who got scammed by ur "awesome" guildies back in Impreza /idc.
I agree we do lend and borrow, even TGA does, many guilds and best friends do. And that's how u keep a guild strong and active Cus alliances r built on trust.
Just Cus u haven't had the opportunity to meet trustworthy people in game doesn't mean u go on forums and trash a guild who takes pvp srsly just like u claim to.
Abt the tt. Ask any experienced player and they will tell u that tt kinda keeps pvp fun at times. This is not some english tea break bruh.
And ur so salty Cus u had begged us to let u help us in 16/17. But we kindly refused Cus we didn't need u.and thus we kicked u outta the guild.

Dude u srsly need to take a break from pvp or from this game. Keeping this idiotic rivalry towards a guild which u and I both know is not gonna achieve anything Cus mmph cant be defeated at the end of the day. Fr if we said or did anything that hurt u it was all in the game and it wasn't srs. Uve alrdy made a fool outta urselves enuf on forums. So chill out
