Your post is a nice idea, but a little misleading. I'm not going to do this, nor am I trying to scare you, but you are wrong. Anyone with a text editor and a little software can easily hack anything, including pocket legends. I know how easy it is from experience (WHAT I DID WAS NOT ILLEGAL, BUT YOU SHOULD NOT DO IT EITHER!!!!. I HACKED(if you could call it that) AN EXE THAT I MADE THAT NEVER LEFT MY HARD DRIVE AND WAS DELETED IMMEDIATLY. I EDITED A VALUE AND CHANGED A FEW THINGS THAT MADE DIFFERENT RESULTS.) Anyway, it is not that hard to hack a server or file that contains data that a hacker wants. Any threats should be handled with care and REPORTED IMMEDIATLY!!!!! They are very dangerous, and it is like handing Dev tools to someone who hates you. It is stupid and illegal, but hacking is a probability and very powerful/dangerous. Handle any threats with care