Quote Originally Posted by Annin View Post
Many players agree that forging basically ruined PvP due to the fact that players now have very high stats. This causes matches to take a long time because powers don't hit and they do little damage.

On top of that players who do not have enough funds to forge their items are at an extreme disadvantage here. Unless they have a kind and trustworthy friend who will forge your items, they have to purchase platinum to forge

I suggest for you to create a whole new arena for both CTF and DM where forge stats do not take effect. Or you could just make it so forge doesn't work in any PvP.

This would bring back many player, including myself

Disagree with this, I myself have spent a lot on forging trying new forge to see which works best for my builds, but you must understand and study what each forge can work for, and add ur equipment with it, and yes u are right a vs can last long to those whom actually have tried forging for the best, if you did not have enough gold try farming merching etc. Or do offers for plat or buy plat like myself. Forge isn’t the problem, if you do not want to spend ur gold or plat on forging then stay out of pvp

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