From the point of view of a non-lb runner:
- as mini event was long. Changing nothing but lenght (1 week) and as minievent would be very good imo.
- always nice to have crates you can open with very good rewards. And no plats involved also many people made a lot of money due to tavern chests (thanks to the low drop rate of the vanities), so Imo casual player appreciated it.
- grog was funny XD
All criticism I would have are because I still have Lovecraft event in mind and that event was simply great xD
As 1 week event would be ok to have no tiers but for 2 weeks would be nice to have step-rewards. And more vendors rewards (why to run if not for spending ur tokens? Variety is always good).
As some people already said, just smashing barrels wasn’t really challenging xD only challenge was to keep the pace of rushing runners ....or to have the patience to wait for really slow ones xD