Justg some concerns about GBG ( IM calling guilds battle ground GBG now :3)
*will the guild master have the option to kick the member that are in the grounds for if some reason someone in the guild is payed to block

*Also where are we on the none speed set rule :3

*If a player leaves the guild while he is in GBG what will happen

*Will nekro only give a shield to the 4 closest members?

can i have a cookie?

*mages and tank heals how will this work, wil it bee heal the closet 4 to you
or will it heal all

*Whats stops the enemy team from stacking 1 mage and 9 tanks?

*Will we get an option to turn of notifications for system due to possible spam issues

* will there be a lb ?

when i kill someone useing hisha and lepro can i reroll and loot there arcane armor 😂😝😝

and lastly where are we at the holl cookie idee :3